War Movies

I love war movies. I love the story lines and the action in them. In my opinion, it is a perfect balance. My two all time favorite war movies are Saving Private Ryan and Fury. I personally really like the storyline of Saving Private Ryan. It grabs my interest and just holds it throughout the whole movie. There was always something that interested me in that movie. I loved the actors they chose like Tom Hanks and Matt Damon. One of the final scenes when it is just Tom Hanks against a tank was really interesting. He was wounded and took care of a tank himself by shooting in the small area the tank driver looks through. It was very intense. Saving Private Ryan was just an overall good movie.

Fury is a movie with Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman, Shia LeBeouf, Jon Bernthal, and Michael Peña. They are all in a tank squad and it is practically just their journey throughout the war. The way it ends is very interesting. Only one of them survive in an inside last stand. The youngest one played by Logan Lerman slides under the tank to hide because the character Brad Pitt plays sacrifices himself to help him survive. When he hides under the tank one German soldier sees him but does not say anything and ignores him. I personally loved this part because it just played with your emotions.

Another war movie I really like is Lone Survivor starring Mark Wahlberg. Him and his squad are sent out to take out a Taliban leader but things take a turn for the worst when everyone in his squad is taken out and he is the only survivor, hence the movies title. The really cool part about this movie is that the citizens assist him in the last fight against the Taliban, helping him escape and survive. They saved him. This really makes this a worthwhile movie to watch.

All three of these movies listed are phenomenal war movies and were made at a near perfect level. They demonstrate war in a very realistic way. The directors had a goal on how to make us feel and they succeeded. I would recommend war movies to anyone, as long they can handle a bit of gore.

Horror Films

Horror movies are just okay to me. I never really liked them but never really hated them. Every now and then I like to watch them but I am not like a horror movie connoisseur. They are fun to watch with friends to have a good time, but I hardly watch any by myself just for fun unless I am with a group of friends or if I heard a lot of others talk positively about them.

My personal favorite horror movies are the slasher movies. Movies like Friday The 13th and Halloween. I do not know why but they seem to interest me the most. The people almost always seem to find some way to somehow defeat the killer, which always entertains me.

I personally never liked the paranormal kind of horror movies. When I was younger they freaked me out beyond belief but I just do not enjoy them to this day. I have no clue if it is because of then, but I just do not like them one bit. Like after watching them I sometimes feel paranoid in some ways (which sounds ridiculous but I know some of you will understand). They do not exactly freak me out now, but I just do not enjoy them.

I have also always really liked the goofy kind of horror movies. I love when they are about stupid things that kill people such as the Leprechaun movies. There was this movie called “Rubber” that was about a killer tire. It was made to seem like it was serious but how the movie went it is so hard to believe that it is a real movie. The tire literally shook and blew stuff up. It was my favorite movie for a while just because it was the funniest thing I saw for a while. I do not know if it is a real horror movie, but it was in the horror movie genre where I watched it.

Horror movies are not my favorite genre, but there are some movies I really like and would recommend.  

Comedy Movies

Comedy is one of my favorite genres for movies. I love to have a great laugh while watching a movie, especially when the story line is also very good and tells a great story. One of my favorite comedy movies is Superbad starring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera. It is absolutely hilarious and the story is actually very interesting while at the same time it is ridiculously funny. The story really meshes well with what the movie was going for. Even when these comedy movies do not have a really good story the funny always outweighs it and is still very enjoyable. Another really good comedy I love is Spaceballs, which is directed by Mel Brooks. It is a spoof on the very enjoyable Star Wars. Brooks made a lot of things pretty stupid but it was the funny kind of stupid. It had a pretty “involved” story just like star wars but it was a lot more funny. It was a great film and an all around really good comedy film.

These movies are what I would go to watch if I wanted to stay up late just relaxing. Even rewatching them is really funny and just fun to begin with. In my opinion, comedy movies are one of the best genres of movies to rewatch and still have a very good experience. You can get stuff you missed like a funny joke or understand something that makes everything a lot more funny.

I believe pretty much anyone can enjoy these movies except for when they have a really big issue with something be very “inappropriate”. I understand that little kids should not hear or watch anything deemed inappropriate by their parents or anyone really, but it gets to a point where a kid knows about all of the stuff that is labeled as inappropriate. I think teenagers would really like comedies movies probably the most out of most age groups (depending on the person’s humor).

To sum this all up I really like comedy movies. I find them to be really good to watch and would recommend to any and everybody.  

The Genre of Action Movies

Action movies are very entertaining and should only be watched for the literal action parts of it, not the story it really tells. Action is a pretty interesting genre. In my opinion, the storyline does not matter as much as the actual fighting or very intense moments. Well it gets to a certain point. The actual plot of the movie can not be too ridiculous or it could possibly outweigh the action. When I go to see one of these movies I am there to get hyped up or excited, not to evaluate the plot and notice minor details or easter eggs that help me truly understand how another small part works into the complete story to understand exactly what is happening. Well this applies most of the time to me. I like to pay attention to the story in action movies such as Indiana Jones since it is pretty intriguing and have multiple sequels. On the other hand, I would only like to watch  movies such as John Wick mainly just for the action because the story would not intrigue as much since they would not feel as developed. Most of the terminator movies have pretty interesting story lines too, which show in their score in Rotten Tomatoes, which is 100% according to rottentomatoes.com. Since the story itself is exceptional and the action is worthwhile it resonates itself in the score of Rotten Tomatoes it received. I personally enjoy the excitement from action movies and it is one of my favorite genres of movies, since as I said, I do not really like to pay too much attention to small details just to completely understand the movie.

I know many people who really love to analyze movies but personally, I would believe that this genre should not be analyzed like that most of the time. Most of the plots are not too in depth, so these people who judge movies directly on story lines would not be too satisfied, causing the viewers to give a lower score. Overall I really enjoy action movies because I am not usually someone to go too in depth about a movie’s plot. I would recommend most action movies for the thrills it can induce.